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Subject Selection Process

This Curriculum Guide provides valuable information to support students with their subject and pathways choices at Trinity College.  When choosing a course of study, students should focus on the following: 

The Process

When investigating which subjects to select you should:

  1. Read the information contained in this guide to ensure you understand the options for your year level.

  2. Use year level grids to examine possible preferences and required subjects for each level.

  3. Refer to the subject sections to ensure that you are informed about your choices.

  4. Ask questions of staff and experts in the fields in which you are interested.

  5. Conduct research and visit websites such as the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC), universities and college websites in Victoria and Australia, and follow the links provided in the subject information pages to explore pathways of interest.  The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) produces guides on subject selections.

  6. Be open to advice: discuss options with family, teachers and professionals working in the area.  This extra information will help you make an informed decision about your future pathways.


What is studied in this subject? Refer to the descriptions provided for each unit in this guide, which can be found under the Explore Subjects menu.


Will I like this subject?


Will I manage this combination of subjects?  Will I manage the workload?


Will this combination of subjects lead me to an appealing career? Are there any prerequisite subjects for university courses in which I am interested?

Important Dates

Students will attend information sessions to receive detailed information about subjects and the selection process.  Students will receive an email from following the information session to allow them to complete their preferences online.

If the email is not received, first check your junk or spam folder, then contact Mr James at

18 July 2023

Senior 2024 subject information will be published for students in Years 9-11 and their parents and carers.

Year 11 Subject Information Session - Lesson 2

Senior Pathways Information Evening - 6.00pm for Year 9 students considering a VCE subject or accelerated pathway, Year 10 and Year 11 students and their parents and carers.

19 July 2023

Year 9 Subject Information Session - Lesson 1

Year 10 Subject Information Session - Lesson 2

20 July to
2 August 2023

Subject Interviews
Year 9 into Year 10 at allotted times

Year 10 into Year 11 at allotted times

Year 11 into Year 12 upon request if additional advice is required


9 August 2023

Senior subject selections due

Subject preferences for current Year 9, 10 and 11 students must be completed by 11.30pm

16 August 2023

Junior 2024 subject information will be published for students in Years 7-8 and their parents and carers.

Year 7 Subject Information Session - Lesson 1

Year 8 Subject Information Session - Lesson 2

29 August 2023

Junior subject selections due

Subject preferences for current Year 7 and 8 students must be completed by 11.30pm

Trinity College Colac

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